AGM Services enter BEN Lynwood to Paris 500km cycle ride

May 12, 2016

AGM Services and Junair Spraybooths have entered a cycling team to take part in the upcoming BEN Lynwood to Paris 500 km cycle ride. As well as entering a team AGM and Junair are delighted to be the main sponsors of the event.

BEN is a not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to making positive differences to people’s lives in the automotive industry. BEN is proud to offer lifetime practical help, support and advice to those who work, or have worked in the automotive and related industries, and to their family dependants. In addition to its wide range of free confidential information, advice and support services, BEN operates highly-regarded care centres at various locations throughout the UK plus a day centre in Coventry.

The AGM Services Cycling Team

The team cycling for AGM are Julie Morrison, AGM Services Founder and Fiona Morrison, Business Operations Manager. The team cycling for Junair are Neil Morrison, Managing Director and Jordan Young, Assistant Production Manager.

Fiona Morrison, AGM Services commented, “We’re now well into the training plan and I’ve finally got a new bike. I’m just getting used to it now but it already feels better on the long distances than my old one. I’ve started cycling to work now as well, which isn’t always fun in the temperamental English weather. I’m beginning to feel the benefits of the training and am starting to really look forward to the event.”

Jordan Young, Junair Spraybooths commented. “I’ve been doing the local park run to keep me fit, it’s a 5km course and so far I’ve already broken by personal best twice. I haven’t been cycling as much as I would have liked but there’s still time and I’m doing plenty of other activities to keep me fit. I definitely feel much better for it and as an added bonus I’ve lost 12lb, through a combination of sticking to a healthier diet and following my training plan.”

 Support our Spraybooth Service Company

Show your support for Fiona, Jordan, Neil and Julie by donating to BEN at For more information about our charity cycle ride, or anything to do with our spraybooth service company, simply get in touch with our friendly team. Give us a call on 01706 363 585, or leave your details on our contact us page, and we’ll reply as quickly as possible.

Written by FireCask
